´´ August 2013

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Seth Klarman - Value Investing in Times of Deflation

The possibility of sustained decreases in business value is a dagger at the heart of value investing (and is not a barrel of laughs for other investment approaches either). 

Saturday, August 24, 2013

MoF on the Internationalization of the Yen

Better utilization of Asian currencies for trade and investment activities in Asia is important. In case of the Japanese yen, efforts to increase the international use of the yen were started in the 1980s. As there are already no constraints caused by regulations and taxation on yen investment and financing, the yen is used today for around 40% of Japanese exports and around 25% of Japanese imports. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Corporate Japan's Cash Hord - Is it Rational?

Many japan observers (including myself) have been complaining about corporate japan's ("irrational") cash hoarding mentality. In some instances it goes so far that net-cash holdings on individual companies exceed their market capitalisation.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Why Nobody Should Care About a Weak Dollar

The Dollar Is Down, but Should Anyone Care?


United States is spending nearly $600 billion more a year than it produces, almost 6 percent of its annual gross domestic product.